Our City Our Voices: Follow the Eagle and Slo-Pitch

Follow the Eagle is a short film that reminds us of the importance of our elders, especially in the inner city. It focuses on the Elders-in-Training project, created to help next-generation Elders take on their role. Slo-Pitch introduces us to Brian Arrance, an HIV-positive Cree man. Brian introduces us to the Downtown Eastside Slo-Pitch League, which provides family-oriented recreation in the heart of the city and shares how he's found fun and support in the League. These two short documentaries were produced as part of program aimed at providing Indigenous people with the opportunity, and skills, to tell their stories.

Director: Lorraine Fox
Year: 2005
Genre: Documentary
Type: Short

Link: https://vimeo.com/791544048


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Est. Jan 2023

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